Cornerstone Bookstore ????????????????
New and used homeschool curricula and materials are right here in the Golden Triangle to help you evaluate what works best for your family at Cornerstone Bookstore. Every purchase at Cornerstone provides help and support to area homeschool families!
Make plans to visit our library and bookstore to find out how we can help meet your educational needs!
See What's Happening Summer 2022
Check out these summer opporthunities at Lighthouse Home School support!
Homeschool High School Workshops to Guide Your Homeschool Through High School!!
First, learn how dual credit works and how to prepare, register for classes, and utilize the opportunity in your homeschool and on your child's transcript.
Then, put it all together with a Q&A and special tips session.
Great things are happening at STEP...
A little about STEP
Southeast Texas Educational Partnership was founded to promote and encourage private education in the greater southeast Texas region through generating programs and funds to support the growth of home and private schools in the area. The goal is simple: provide the resources that meet the educational needs of the individual, directing each one to a personal discovery of his or her own potential so everyone has the opportunity to serve the community.
Benefits for Homeschoolers!
Save 15% on Family Membership

Lighthouse Homeschool Support Members save 15% on family membership!!
Join Lighthouse Homeschool Support for a $20 discount!